War Thunder: Italian Air Force now available to all players

Gaijin Entertainment today announced that War Thunder’s Italian Air Force has successfully concluded closed testing. Initially introduced with Update 1.69 Regia Aeronautica, all regular aircraft of the game’s sixth major nation can now be unlocked by all players, with the top jet fighters; Fiat G.91 and G.91R/1 being the last to finish their trials.

Warmly welcomed by the players of War Thunder, the new Italian aircraft are now a common sight in the skies above the  War Thunder battlefields. To prepare them for release, all Italian aircraft went through a closed playtest on the live servers, after which they were progressively unlocked for all players to research. Both purchasers of one of the Italian Founder packs and active players of War Thunder could participate in the testing, giving the developers invaluable feedback in the process. Today, many virtual pilots have already mastered the unique and ingenious Italian designs, which now play a major role in any air combat they participate in.

Naturally, with the end of closed testing the development of the Italian Air Force in War Thunder is all but finished. New Italian content is already in development and will reach the players of War Thunder as soon as the next major update goes live. Further information will be published in time on the official Developer’s Blog here.

About War Thunder
War Thunder is a free-to-play, cross-platform, massively multiplayer military masterpiece for PC, PS4, Mac and Linux with millions of fans worldwide, that allows players to fight their way across air land and sea with access to over 800+ historically accurate planes and armored vehicles from WWII to the Cold War. Fans can expect hundreds more added as Gaijin Entertainment commits to ongoing development via regular updates. Official website: http://warthunder.com

 14 July 2017

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