IGN: Birds of Steel is the editors choice!

If you've dedicated the past three years to IL-2 Sturmovik: Birds of Prey, your next purchase has arrived. Birds of Steel picks up directly where Birds of Prey left off; instantly accessible and yet hugely challenging, depending on how you tune it. The environments are huge, the plane list is long plus it looks gorgeous and sounds great. The action is thick and visceral; aerial stoushes can go from tense, one-on-one affairs to grand, epic encounters against swarms of enemy fighters and bombers. For three years Gaijin's Birds of Prey remained the best and most nuanced flight game on consoles. Birds of Steel builds on the excellent Birds of Prey and refines Gaijin's formula further. Birds of Steel is an exceedingly confident and robust game that will reward fans with its depth and detail. It's easily the best flight game on today's consoles.

Read the full article here

 12 March 2012

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